Friday, September 5, 2014

Humor - What does your State do well?

After seeing what your State's worst quality was how about what your State excels at!

Check out the graph below to see what makes your State the best State to live in.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Legal - States where Same Sex Marriages are Legal

Where are you legally able to get married if you are a same sex couple?

CNN posted this graph with interactive information in July of 2014 (I suggest you check it out on their site for more of features).

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

SUPER Tuesday - Maps they didn't teach you about in school!

For this SUPER Tuesday, I bring you Maps they didn't teach you about in school!

Some of these are downright shocking (some not PG rated) and most are politically incorrect!

Check out the link here:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Politics - Most Conservative and Most Liberal Cities in Each State

Like-minded people tend to gravitate towards one another and nothing shows this more than the map below.

This graph shows the most liberal and most conservative cities in each State.

Check out the site below to see a larger version of this graph and to read the commentary:

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Technology - Android, iPhone and Others...Who's on top in each State?

There is a war waging in the technology world and you are either on one side or the other. Each side claiming to be the best - iPhone vs. Android and the dwindling popularity of Blackberry.

What side is your State on?

Check out the article here:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Education - Common Core Adoption around the States

Love it or Hate it, Common Core Standards is a new set of academic expectations that is being enacted and adopted by State legislature across the country.

It is a controversial topic in education where you will find supporters who whole heartedly adopt the idea while others are vehemently against it.

Here is a graph showing the States that have adopted the idea of Common Core.

To learn more about Common Core Standards, click on the link below where this graph was originally posted:
