Friday, August 29, 2014

Politics - Most Conservative and Most Liberal Cities in Each State

Like-minded people tend to gravitate towards one another and nothing shows this more than the map below.

This graph shows the most liberal and most conservative cities in each State.

Check out the site below to see a larger version of this graph and to read the commentary:

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Technology - Android, iPhone and Others...Who's on top in each State?

There is a war waging in the technology world and you are either on one side or the other. Each side claiming to be the best - iPhone vs. Android and the dwindling popularity of Blackberry.

What side is your State on?

Check out the article here:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Education - Common Core Adoption around the States

Love it or Hate it, Common Core Standards is a new set of academic expectations that is being enacted and adopted by State legislature across the country.

It is a controversial topic in education where you will find supporters who whole heartedly adopt the idea while others are vehemently against it.

Here is a graph showing the States that have adopted the idea of Common Core.

To learn more about Common Core Standards, click on the link below where this graph was originally posted:


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

SUPER Tuesday - 40 Super Maps that will blow your mind

Super Tuesday = Super Graphs!

Check out this link with 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World:

Here is a sampling of a few of the graphs you will see at the link above:

Locations where there are McDonald's restaurants (in red)


Flags of each Country


Highest-Paid Public Employees per State


Monday, August 25, 2014

Health - What states have the highest percentage of people who meet the criteria for depression?

In light of the recent death of Robin Williams, depression has come into the forefront of media recently. This graph shows which states have the largest percentage of people who meet the criteria for depression. It is my hope that depression and other mental illness awareness will continue to be talked about and that more people are aware of this health plight that faces our nation...

Chart: Age-standardized (to U.S. population) percentage of adults meeting criteria for current depression based on responses to Patient Health Questionnaire 8 by state/territory – Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2006 and 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weather - What should we expect for the upcoming winter season?

After 2013's brutal polar vortex/snowmageddan, hardly anyone is looking forward to a repeat. Unfortunately that's exactly what most of us are headed for per the Farmer's Almanac. Thanks cousin in law, Gina for finding this graph for what to expect!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Business - What's the most prominent organization/business in each state?

Can you guess the largest organization/business in your state?

Sometimes it's a pretty easy guess (GM for Michigan seems like a no-brainer) and other times it's more surprising (Hooter's for Florida?!) This map shows the most prominent and well known corporation for each state (some may be up to debate).

corporate states of america

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Education - What percentage of high schoolers graduate per state?

It's almost time for the kids to go back to school! With that said, what percentage of high schoolers will make it the end of their high school career and graduate?

US map of graduation rates

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Finance - What's $100 worth in each state?

How much buying power does $100 dollars have in each state?

value 100

I love graphs!

What better way to showcase my love of graphs of the states then to collect them? I will attempt to post a graph a day of the united states so graph-lovers like myself can spend their time going through tons of graphs!!!

I am in no ways an ambassador for the content of the graphs nor am I saying they are accurate, but I will post them nonetheless for entertainment!